Javascript Projects


Looking to get some practice with JavaScript or to build your portfolio to impress hiring managers? You can level up your JavaScript skills with these projects, curated project tutorials.

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe It is quite easy to develop with some simple validations and error checks. Player-1 starts playing the game and both the players make their moves in consecutive turns. The player who makes a straight 3-block chain wins the game. This game is built on the front-end using simple logic and validation checks only.

  • Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of some front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Tic Tac Toe.png

    Burger Store (Burgecog)

    It is the best project for beginners in javascript. Through this Project You will Learn Array, Event Listeners, Creating Element and Managing DOM.
  • Added items will appear in the cart section in the top right-hand corner of the website.
  • The total amount of the added items will show in the running total. Burger Order Web Design.png


    TODO List are the lists that we generally use to maintain our day to day tasks or list of everything that we have to do, with the most important tasks at the top of the list, and the least important tasks at the bottom. It is helpful in planning our daily schedules. We can add more tasks any time and delete a task which is completed. The four major tasks that we can perform in a TODO list are:
  • Add tasks
  • Update tasks
  • Read tasks
  • Delete tasks
  • Save in Local Storage to do list v2.png

    Color Guessing Game

    The Color Guessing Game JavaScript is a web-based game which player is allow to guess the target color. In addition, the Color Guessing Game was fully developed using the scripting language named JavaScript this is for the interaction of the game, HTML (Hyper Text Mark Up Language) for the structure of the game and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) for the entire appearance of the game. guessing-2.png


    Javascript Calculator is the best Project For Beginners in Javascript. Here You will learn the new Function eval() and other statements like IF_ELSE. This is the Wonderful Project Tryout. calculator.png

    Javascript Digital Clock

    Javascript Digital Clock is the best project to do using Javascript. Through this project you will learn to use Date() function and also learn to extract particular hours, minutes, seconds, day from the Date and You will Also Learn to Update it Without Reloading the Page. So it's Best Project for the Beginners. oQ1fG9eJEP8-HD (1).jpg

    Javascript RGB Color Flipper

    Javascript RGB Color Flipper is the best project to do using Javascript. Through this project you will learn to use Math.floor, Math.random etc. So it's Best Project for the Beginners. mesmQtBrM-Q-HD.jpg

    Javascript Hex Color Flipper

    Javascript Hex Color Flipper is the best project to do using Javascript. Through this project you will learn to use Math.floor, Math.random etc. So it's Best Project for the Beginners. XeSAhlCAttA-HD.jpg

    Password Generator

    Password Generator is the interesting Project for a beginners initially the page will generate 8 digits strong password everytime you click in Generate Button Also provides you the option to choose the length of the password till 20 digits but not less than 8 digit because strong password are not less than 8 digits. So Do this Project for your betterment in Javascript. xfbby9vK0k0-HD.jpg

    Guessing Game

    it is the interesting game made with HTML, CSS & Javascript. Here in this Game you just have to enter the number of your choice the page will say you whether the number of greater or smaller than the number to be guessed so if you entered the correct Number than the page will show you the congratulations message with Number of tries that you have done to guess the Number. w7qWyp1_yDU-HD (1).jpg